Quality control
    Self-inspection, mutual inspection and special inspection
    In accordance with the requirements of ISO9001 quality management system, the company has established a quality assurance system for the whole process from order, design, procurement, production and delivery. In the product appearance, surface treatment, performance, assembly quality inspection in strict accordance with the drawings, processes and standards. In the production process, we strictly follow the inspection process of first inspection, patrol inspection and full inspection to ensure that all links do not receive unqualified products, do not manufacture unqualified products, and do not flow out unqualified products
    Customer service lines
    Wechat platform
    Official website
    Copyright ?2019 深圳優(yōu)力可科技股份有限公司 All Rights Reserved
    粵ICP備18099211號(hào)-1Powered by vancheer
    Contact address
    Shenzhen Headquarters:
    No.1006,10th Floor,Geya Building,Gongming Nanhuan Road,Guangming District,Shenzhen Guangdong Province, China
    Production base:
    Xihai industrial zone, jun'an cangmen village, shunde district, foshan city
    Copyright ?2019 深圳優(yōu)力可科技股份有限公司 All Rights Reserved
    粵ICP備18099211號(hào)-1Powered by vancheer
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